Ammar Shihab

Dr. Ammar I. Shihab is a professor in University of Baghdad, College of Science, Department of Computer Science. He has worked in Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, also worked in University of AL-Mustansiriyah. He has served as a Guest Editor for three special issues of the International Journal in Computer Science and Management, one of them dealing with Information Technology in Management, and two of them has Reviewer and co-edited in Iraqi Journal of Science and Baghdad Science Journal (Baghdad Sci.J)

Dr.Ammar I.Shihab has taught at leading institutions of higher learning. He has published extensively in the areas of computer Science, information technology in management, such as local government website and smart government service management methodology, data analysis and pattern recognition for big data. And He has Supervised for many student in Master degree and higher diploma degree.

Dr.Ammar I.Shihab has been awarded grants from the University of Al-Mustansiry, College of Science, Department of Computer Science. Also has been awarded a full scholarship from University Szczecin to continue his education in PhD study in Faculty of Economics and Management. In addition he has awarded grants from the University of Tours, Faculty of  Poly technique.

Dr.Ammar I.Shihab  main research interests are in applied Computer Science and Management  (Including Vector Auto Regressions, Smart Government Services Management Methodology, Emulative Neural Networks, Non-Linear Deterministic Systems, Data Mining And Text Mining, Pattern Recognition, Security Information System, Prediction And Classification In Medical Data, Crisis Management Solutions).