Professor in Operational Research of Information Technology in Alexander Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. He holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), an MSc in Operational Research from University of Lancaster (UK) and a PhD in Operational Research and Applied Informatics from University of Macedonia (Greece). His research interests focus on labour market investigation and its relationships with higher education, applications of OR techniques, statistical analysis, multicriteria decision analysis and project management. In 1996 he established the Career Office of his University and he has been the project leader for 12 years. He participated actively in several programmes of the European Union, such as Erasmus/Socrates, Erasmus Mundus, Alpha, MedCampus, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus and COST. He has been the project leader of many projects and participated in over 15 national or international projects. He has served as head of the IT department and is currently vice-president of the Hellenic Operational Research Society. Vassilis Kostoglou has been the author or co-author of six books and published over 80 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. He has also been appointed as referee for several journals and conferences and as evaluator for European and national projects.